Kaiser Engineers 60-Plus Day Strike for Better Contract Get Boost from Nurses Unions and Seiu

Kaiser strike 3

Kaiser strike 3

Kaiser Permanente engineers, the staff responsible for maintenance in the hospital, have staged a round-the-clock strike for the last 65 days demanding better pay and accusing Kaiser Permanente of negotiating in bad faith.

On Nov 19, the striking engineers received a big boost from the nurses and other colleagues. The nurses mobilized by the National Union of Healthcare Workers and Califonia Nurses Association dressed in red t-shirts and carried signs stating “striking in sympathy with engineers,” “patient health, not corporate wealth” and “united to win a fair contract,” among other signs.

A day earlier, the SEIU, a labor union representing more than 2 million employees, also joined the strike at Kaiser in support of the engineers at their makeshift station located outside Kaiser Permanente hospital in the corner of Fresno and Howard Ave., in Fresno.

We have contacted Kaiser media relations for comment regarding updates on the negotiations and we’re awaiting their response.

Kaiser Permanente responded to the protests saying they have negotiated with the engineers in good faith.

“Our proposals to Local 39 will keep our engineers among the best compensated in their profession, at an average of more than $180,000 in total wages and benefits. We are not proposing any take-aways, and our proposals do not differentiate between current and future employees.”

Here’s the full statement from Kaiser. 

Here are some photos from the Friday Demonstrations attended by more than 200 nurses and other Kaiser staff in solidarity with the engineers.


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